Monday, 18 February 2013

Gantt Chart - 28/01/13

Gantt Chart

I have created a gantt chart to ensure that I complete all the tasks set before the deadlines that I have set myself. All work has to be in on Wednesday 10th April therefore I have given myself nine weeks from today, 13th of March, to finish all work so I have three weeks to make any last minute changes and resolve any issues that may occur.

What is the purpose of a gantt chart?

The purpose of a gantt chart is to break a large project, like a film, into smaller tasks in chronological order of when they should be completed. The column to the far left shows a list of the tasks which have to be completed and the further nine columns are filled in to show when these tasks have to completed, my cant chart clearly shows that research should be completed in week one, as should planning, storyboarding and evaluating, whereas sound and editing should not start until week seven. The gantt chart also allows me to see an overall timeline of how long the project is going to take to complete. A gantt chart shows the understanding of the requirements of completing this project successfully and also demonstrates my ability to effectively plan a project of this size.

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