Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Enigma Video

The creation of enigma within film is a technique often found within the thriller genre. In my thriller opening, I plan to create an atmosphere of mystery to surround my antagonist; I want the audience to ask themselves why this man is going around killing people who, to them, will seem innocent. In order to ensure that this sense of enigma comes across in my opening, Zoran, Dan and I created a practise enigma scene. The very short piece includes Zoran entering a building and opening an empty locker which he then slams. This creates a sense of mystery and enigma surrounding the character as the audience will not know who he is, where he is or what he expected to find in the locker, making them all interested in seeing more from the character. However the time in which we would have planned and story boarded the piece, we were performing a recce for the thriller opening therefore on the day we quickly planned out the basics surrounding the piece. As we only had an hour, we were unfortunately unable to edit the sound of the piece therefore throughout the film there is sound of other groups creating similar pieces. Time management was clearly key to this exercise because the sound of other groups filming takes away part of that sense of enigma and mystery as it suggests this character is actually in a friendly environment and makes the piece look unprofessional as it needs a lot more work done.

However although there are a number of things that I feel could have been done better in this task, such as time management; I believe that this task has taught me that I need to take more control over how I use the time I have in which to film. This is a concern as I plan to film two of the three scenes for Duality in a classroom therefore there will only be a certain amount of time I will be allowed to use the room. On the other hand I feel that there are also a number of successes to the piece as I feel that I have successfully created an enigmatic atmosphere around the character and I believe that the audience would be intrigued to see what he will do next in search for the missing object.

Here is my short enigma piece:

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