Casting Changes:
Detective 1 - Jake Kardasz

Press - Daniel Comley and I
The press are now portrayed by Daniel Comley and I. Daniel has experience in acting and has performed in many plays such as Cats and Oliver Twist throughout his life. I feel this was a strong reason to promote Daniel from a role as an extra to a member of the press as he will have to use facial expressions in close up shots to show both his frustration and fear with Hudson as scene two draws to a close. I have also decided to myself as the other member of the press who asks the first question. I have done this because I wrote the script and feel that I could successfully deliver the press member's one line to Hudson to intensify his already hostile mood. After watching Joe Donadel and Ellen Titchmarsh's performances as the press members in scene two, I feel that they did not express their frustration with the detective, not to mention in the over shoulder shot from Ellen she kept moving back and forward making the shot uncomfortable and look somewhat unprofessional.
Seeing as the learning support room was much smaller than my previous PE room, I have decided to cut the two detective extras sitting at the back of the scene as I am only going to be using half of the small room to make the audience feel like they cannot escape the crime scene and a sense of claustrophobia. However I plan to keep the flash from the start of the original scene two which may suggest to the audience that there is another detective in the room as it will be used to mimic a camera flash.
Mise en Scene and Propositions
The mise en scene and propositions that I have used in the re-shoot of scene two and the shooting of scene one are mostly the same as they were in the original scene two. However there are a few minor changes. One change that I have been forced to make was the fact that there is no longer a television in the room as I was unable to retrieve the one I had used from the science block of the school I had used previously. The television has been replaced with a radio which now sits upon the table where the television sat in the original scene two. This is not a huge change as it is only a small part of the room and will make the hotel seem even grottier and cheap as it cannot even afford to place televisions in their rooms. I have also included a red rug on the floor of the room which will carry connotations of danger as well as sexuality, due to the colour red. This rug will also mask the fact that no theatrical blood was used today as even if I did use some, it would match the colour of the rugs.

The Days Shot List
Shot List for Scene One
- Two split shot: mid shot from behind the killer following him through the two corridors and a close up of the killer's feet to the first door.
- Close up of the woman looking frightened.
- Mid shot of the killer reaching for the knife.
- Close up of the killer stroking the knife.
- Over shoulder shot from the killer of the woman getting up.
- Mid shot of the killer pulling back the knife, camera panning into killer's back during throw, panning back to show woman stabbed, falling.
- Extreme close up of the woman screaming.
- High angle close up of the woman falling.
- Close up of the killer's feet by body, then wipes the knife clean with red rug.
- Extreme close up of the woman's last breath as she is stabbed again.
Shot List for Scene Two
- Close up of the woman, tracking up her body as Hudson leans down, tracks up to Hudson's face looking at the corpse.
- Over shoulder of Detective 1 walking into the scene as Hudson rises from the body.
- Low angle, from the body, of the two detectives dialogue, dialogue ends with Hudson pushing past the other detective.
- Tracking shot across the coffee table showing dead body with mugs and pots obscuring the audience's vision - to create ellipses.
- Mid - close up shot of Hudson leaving the crime scene until doorway where he meets members of the press.
- Over shoulder shot from Hudson of the dialogue between him and the press.
- Close up shot of Hudson of the dialogue between him and the press.
- Close up shot of Press Member 1 of the dialogue between him and Hudson.
- Close up shot of Press Member 2 of the dialogue between him and Hudson as well as Hudson's attack of Press Member 2.
Overall I am very pleased with shots I have gathered from today's filming which will be the last day in the production stage as I feel I am now ready to focus all of my attention on the editing stage of the process which will be continued from what I already have of scene three in the next few days.
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